Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Marking the Calendar...

Today we had the distinct pleasure to receive GRAVEL FOR OUR ROAD!!!! It's a total miracle. We haven't had actual gravel for our road in at least 10 years, but it could be longer than that. I've lived here for almost that long and I know for a fact they haven't put gravel down since I've been here.

Its been a long going joke around here. The county road commission will grade our roads, but they don't leave anything behind!!! Then every few years they put down faux gravel. Ya know the stuff that is mostly sand with a few small rocks mixed in here and there to "simulate" gravel. LOL

Then in the spring, what gravel that is actually left in our road is in our front yard. We have to rake the stuff back into the road. They do a terrible job plowing snow in the winter.



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